India is all set to beat China as the ‘Obesity Capital’ of the world.. and it’s getting worse. Driven by high-screen time, volume eating, all-study-no-play culture and infrastructure, Indian children are hitting obesity before they hit their teens.
“Indian children are already obese by the time they are 8-10 years…unless it is acutely handled it is going to be a big epidemic of obesity.” Says Dr.Bharat Agarwal a leading Pediatrician in Mumbai. When they grow up, these children are at very high risk of contracting hyper tension, diabetes, cancer, heart diseases etc.
Dr. Agarwal runs the Agarwal Children Hospital in Bandra. He monitors obesity, malnutrition and a number of maladies for more than 30,000 children and their families through an InBody J30. Dr. Agarwal explains how this early onset of obesity manifests further into very high risk of hyper-tension, diabetes, cancer, heart diseases etc. Which is why, he is working overtime to get families to monitor ‘fat and muscles’ instead of just ‘weight’.
Dr. Agarwal and his family has been using an InBody Body Composition Analyser at Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) for the past 12 years. According to him, this has helped him stay ‘fighting-fit’. He has procured an InBody J30 – a specialised paediatric BCA machine – to strengthen his large practice. He monitors all visiting children and even their parents, and counsels them to adopt a healthy lifestyle based on their InBody results.
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