Muscle Mass Recovery: Body Composition Analysis in Physical Rehabilitation

Recovering from an injury or illness can be a long and arduous process, especially when it involves the loss of muscle mass and strength. During the rehabilitation journey, tracking progress…

Diabetes Reversal?

 Researches show it is a possibility! To effectively reverse Type 2 Diabetes or even Pre-Diabetes is to assess the root cause for Insulin Resistance, FAT. Diabetes continues to increase globally,…

Slow growing kidney diseases have no symptoms!

Can lead to serious kidney damage "Hemodialysis patients, we dialyse them, we send them home. Then they eat food, drink water and they take salt and other spices, so the…

Body Composition Analysis; Preventive care for Dialysis patients.

When kidneys troubleshoot, dialysis keeps the body in balance by removing waste, salt and extra water to prevent them from building up. Thus, the assessment of body composition in dialysis…

Is Body Composition Analysis, a serious tool for Medical Diagnosis?

Trying something new always brings a set of challenges in terms of acceptability and adaptability. And when it's about something as crucial as life and health itself, taking chances is not an option. Body Composition Analysis is not a…

Fighting Sarcopenia: The Muscle Loss that comes gradually with Aging.

Sarcopenia is an age-related condition and can affect if not taken care off. In simple words muscles have a tendency to grow larger and stronger from birth but as per reports around the time…

Intelligent Health Management to ward off obesity!

Among Children & Adolescents.  Future is looking fat! Don’t feel elated about it. Over the past 2 decades, the prevalence of obesity among young school going children has tripled. Researches have credited this…

Don’t let the Weighing Scale Confuse you!

Measure & Understand your Body’s composition; it might be telling a different story. Losing weight is hard. It involves spending time at the gym, stopping yourself from eating your favorite…

Exercise & Immunity during the pandemic.

Staying fit keeps one healthy physically, but exercise also boosts mental and spiritual health. During a pandemic situation like the one we are facing now, clouded with so many uncertainties,…

Medicinal Applications of InBody

A Comprehensive and Interpretative Marker for Medical Diagnosis; InBody  Assessment and screening play a key role in any Medical Diagnosis. Body composition analysis is essential in making healthier lifestyle choices for individuals. Going beyond…