Gyms across India have been shut due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown for over two months. With further easing of lockdown restrictions and new guidelines coming in place, the gyms are looking forward to some relief in this current pandemic scenario. The immobility that this quarantine has bought into our lives will soon be normalized as per the new normal.
Experts say operation of gyms will change dramatically in a post-COVID world. With many systems in place like having a limited number of clients with a slot system, online workshops and training sessions. Gyms are categorized as “close proximity” businesses thus require special attention and care. With sanitizing stations and new health and safety procedures, the gym environment needs to offer a different way of working out and making their clients feel a sense of ‘Being Safe’.
So, what safety measures should be in place?

Maintaining safe perimeters: Social distancing guidelines are in place to avoid close contact and also helps to stop the spread of the virus. Current recommendations state that people should stay at least six feet apart. Depending on the size of your facility, protective screens between equipment such as rows of treadmills and bike machines can be used. This will help to retain distance between members.
Regular & Thorough Cleaning on the premise: Inspect and evaluate the heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit to ensure that the system is operating in full capacity for freshness and ventilation. There might be a need to increase hours allotted to cleaning or bringing in new staff members to support your new procedures.
Disinfectant on equipment after every use: You will need to put steps in place that allows to clean and disinfect equipment between each use properly. Routinely, clean and disinfect all high-touch areas in accordance with the guidelines.
Limited sharing Amenities: Shared amenities in gyms such as drinking fountains, change rooms, showers and even hair-dryers can also increase the risk of virus transmission. A procedure to be put in place to ensure they are disinfected regularly.
Encourage personal Hygiene: Ensure that everyone practices hand hygiene. Conduct a temperature screening and questionnaire of staff and clients upon entrance to the facility. A combination of vigorous cleaning, regular hand washing, and disinfecting surfaces and equipment are the basics of gyms in the new normal.

Increase Communication : Post signs and reminders at entrances and in strategic places providing instruction on social distancing, hand hygiene, use of cloth face coverings or masks, and cough and sneeze etiquette. Ongoing communication is the key to making members feel safe and confident with coming back to the gym. It can help reassure members as well as keep them fully up to date with new procedures. If they know what to do and what to expect, they can protect themselves and follow the new rules.

Streamline workout Schedule: Limit occupancy of any indoor premises to 25 percent of the stated maximum capacity, if applicable, at one time, excluding staff. In addition to capacity restrictions, indoor group activities must be limited. Consider closing waiting areas and discourage patrons from entering the facility prior to their reservation time, if possible scheduling and timing the sessions in advance to ensure that patrons are properly spaced at any given point of time.

Putting SOP for Health
Health cannot be ignored,and that too in the new normal when Gyms are being looked at as healthcare services. It has been proven that conditions such as obesity and diabetes increase the risks associated with Covid-19.” Aligning SOP for health in order to boost Immunity and keep a track on the health risks is of prime Importance. Having too much body fat not only is a problem for people who are visibly overweight, but also for people who don’t have enough muscle relative to their body fat. Thus, a healthy body fat percentage should be maintained. It ranges between 10-20% of the total body weight for men and 18-28% for women, percent body fat higher than this may impair the immune response. The negative effects of a high body fat percentage can be reversed by improving body composition. A thorough Body composition assessment should be in place on a regular basis to ensure the immunity and nutrition tracking of every personnel.
Gym owners all around the world are starting to see the benefits of having an accurate body composition analyzer in their gym. It assists in the transformation journey of your members and personnel. From the initial enquiry to a fully motivated gym member, In-Body provides materials to increase motivation, loyalty and reve-nue.
There are still risks involved, relative safety will require a sense of preparedness and cooperation from every end.

Step up your gym experience with Inbody.
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